Приятно блеснуть познаниями в иностранном, особенно если для этого выпал торжественный случай. Ведь поздравить друга или любимого с днем рождения на английском языке – это и оригинально, и торжественно, и даже немного поднимает собственную самооценку. А если пожелания на день рождения предназначены иностранным друзьям, то тем более нужно суметь грамотно и в то же время ярко выразить свои поздравления. Этому и будем учиться сегодня: в статье расскажем, как пишется «с днем рождения» по-английски в стандартном варианте, приведем примеры красивых и оригинальных поздравлений, а также расскажем, как поздравить любимого человека с днем рождения стихотворением на английском. Как всегда, вас ждет увлекательная, познавательная и полезная информация!
• Как написать с днем рождения на английском
• Поздравляем с днем рождения на английском родных и друзей
• Красивые фразы на день рождения по-английски
• Поздравляем на английском любимого человека
• Пожелания на день рождения друга, брата, отца
• Поздравляем подругу, сестру, мать
• Английские стихи на день рождения
• Поздравление любимому мужчине
• Романтичный стих на день рождения любимой женщине
• Стихотворение на день рождения друга
• Универсальное стихотворное поздравление
Как написать с днем рождения на английском
Представим, как бы мы поздравили именинника с торжеством на русском? Согласитесь, стиль поздравлений зависит от ряда причин: близости знакомства, возраста, отношений и т.п. Немаловажен и формат общения: будет ли это поздравительная открытка другу, или торжественная речь на юбилей мамы, или стихотворное поздравление любимой женщине/любимому мужчине. Для каждого случая нужно подобрать приятные пожелания и облечь их в соответствующую форму.
Но при этом, существует и стандартная поздравительная фраза, которую можно употребить для любого случая. Например, на русском выразить поздравления коллеге, бизнес-партнеру, приятелю или даже совсем незнакомому человеку (и такое в жизни может быть) поможет обычное вежливое выражение «С днем рождения!». Не зря говорится, что все гениальное просто, ведь подобная лаконичная фраза всегда уместна и приятна для именинника.
Есть схожее формальное поздравление и в инглише, однако в переводе с русского на английский эта речевая конструкция претерпевает небольшие изменения. Поскольку англичане чопорно вежливы и радушны, просто сказать Birthday (день рождения по английскому) они себе позволить не могут. Поэтому в британской речи устоялся оборот с добавочным словом «happy» (счастливый). Таким образом, именинникам принято говорить на английском «Счастливого дня рождения!» И вот как выглядит правильное написание «с днем рождения» по английскому языку:
Happy Birthday! — [ˈhæpi ˈbɜːθdeɪ] — [Хэпи бёсздэй]
Обратите внимание на подчеркнутое в русской транскрипции буквосочетание «сз». Дело в том, что английский звук θ более приглушен, чем русское «з», поскольку произносится он с зажатым между зубами языком. Учтите этот момент, и старайтесь уже с первых уроков учиться говорить по-английски с произношением, максимально близким к британскому.
Это выражение очень популярно и известно даже людям, никогда не изучавшим English language. Ведь надпись с днем рождения на английском можно встретить на открытках, сувенирных кружках, красочных картинках и стикерах в интернете. Тем более что благодаря ее универсальности презенты с надписью Happy Birthday дарят и друзьям, и родителям, и коллегам, и начальству на работе.
В то же время, не менее известен и слегка измененный вариант этого популярного выражения:
Happy Birthday to you! — [ˈhæpi ˈbɜːθdeɪ tə ju] — [Хэпи бёсздэй ту ю]
Причем «С днем рождения тебя» по-английски будет уместно сказать не только близкому человеку, но и малознакомому, равно как и людям старшего возраста. Ведь английское You заменяет сразу три русские личные формы: и ты, и Вы, и вы. А при желании можно даже поздравить такой фразой и себя любимого. «С днем рождения меня» английский язык позволяет выразить следующим образом:
Happy Birthday to me! — [ˈhæpi ˈbɜːθdeɪ tə miː] — [Хэпи бёсздэй ту ми]
Как видно, нет ничего сложного, достаточно только заменить форму личного местоимения. Соответственно, можно также сделать поздравление с днем рождения на английском языке с переводом для «ее», «его» и «их». Приведем все варианты в рамках одного примера.
Happy Birthday to her, him, them! — [ˈhæpi ˈbɜːθdeɪ tə hə(r)/ hɪm/ ðəm] — [Хэпи бёсздэй ту хё/хим/зэм]
Но, естественно, такие формы используются куда реже, ведь через третьих лиц поздравлять именинника с личным праздником не принято. На русском мы тоже крайне редко говорим «с днем рождения ее, их или его».
Подведем итог. Happy Birthday или Happy Birthday to you – вот как на английском с днем рождения можно коротко поздравить знакомых. Если же вы хотите написать большое пожелание на английском, то приглашаем внимательно прочесть следующий раздел. Там мы приведем красивые фразы о дне рождения на английском языке для открытки другу, подруге, родителям и любимому человеку. Поверьте, английский язык перевод «с днем рождения» позволяет сделать очень разнообразным и по-русски душевным.
Поздравляем с днем рождения на английском родных и друзей
В кругу близких друзей мы общаемся всегда более открыто и тепло. Соответственно, и на русском, и на английском пожелания с днем рождения пишут развернутые, т.е. с перечислением всех желаемых имениннику благ и успехов. Причем желательно «завернуть» все это в какую-нибудь красивую форму, ведь надо же еще и приятно удивить виновника торжества! Как раз в составлении подобного текста нам и помогут красивые английские поздравления с днем рождения, приведенные в таблице ниже.
Красивые фразы на день рождения по-английски
Фраза | Перевод |
Wishing you a Happy Birthday! | Желаю Вам Счастливого Дня рождения! |
Congratulations and best wishes on your Birthday! | Поздравляю и желаю всего наилучшего в твой день рождения! |
From the bottom of my heart I wish you Happy Birthday! | От всей широты моей души я желаю тебе счастливого дня рождения! |
I hope that today is the beginning of a great year for you. | Я надеюсь, что сегодняшний день станет для тебя началом великолепного года. |
With all my heart I wish you a Happy Birthday and many happy returns of the day! | От всего сердца я желаю тебе Счастливого Дня Рождения и долгой счастливой жизни! |
I wish you happiness, good health, love and just everything your heart desires. | Я желаю тебе счастья, крепкого здоровья, любви и всего-всего, что пожелает твоя душа. |
Hope your special day will bring you lots of happiness, love and fun. You deserve them a lot! | Надеюсь, что этот особенный день принесет тебе много счастья, любви и веселья. Ты их точно заслуживаешь! |
May all your wishes come true! | Пусть все мечты исполнятся! |
Warm and happy wishes on your Birthday! | Желаю тепла и счастья в твой день рождения! |
Sending you Happy Birthday wishes wrapped in all my love! | Шлю тебе сердечные пожелания Счастливого Дня Рождения, завернутые в мою пламенную любовь! |
I wish your every day to be filled with lots of love, laughter, happiness and the warmth of sunshine. | Я желаю, чтобы каждый твой день был наполнен любовью, смехом, счастьем и теплыми лучиками солнца. |
May your heart be filled with happiness! | Пусть твое сердце всегда будет переполнено счастьем! |
Be your own light. Find your own way. It should be easy with all those candles. | Будь своим светом. Ищи свой путь. С таким количеством свечей это сделать не так уж и сложно. |
Wishing you a Birthday which is as special as you are! | Желаю тебе настолько же особенного Дня рождения, насколько ты сам (а) неповторим (а)! |
Обратите внимание, что в приведенных переводах всегда написано «желаю», но вполне допустимо перевести фразы и в формате множественного числа, т.е. «желаем». Например, если вы хотите поздравить именинника от всей своей семьи, то достаточно просто заменить местоимение I (я) местоимением We (мы). А там где вовсе нет подлежащего, и менять ничего не нужно. Такое поздравление подходит всем, и обусловлено это тем, что английская грамматика использует единую формулу построения повелительных предложений и для единственного, и для множественного числа.
Поздравляем на английском любимого человека
Подробное изложение теплых чувств и коротенькие милые комплименты характерны для поздравления с днем рождения на английском языке, предназначенном второй половинке. Приведем несколько вариантов.
My darling, I wish you always to have cheerful mood, good health, strength to resist difficulties and patience, big success in all your dealings! Thank you for the bright light you give me! Thank you for your being in this world! And remember that my love for you is infinite. Happy birthday! | Моя дорогая, я желаю тебе всегда обладать отличным настроением, сохранять крепкое здоровье, иметь силы и терпение для борьбы с любыми невзгодами, а также успешно осуществлять все свои начинания! Благодарю тебя за тот яркий свет, что ты даришь мне. И спасибо за то, что ты есть на этом свете! Помни, что моя любовь к тебе неисчерпаема. С днем рождения! |
I hope you know how much joy your presence brings. Happy birthday my princess. | Надеюсь ты знаешь, насколько большую радость ты мне приносишь. С днем рождения, моя принцесса. |
Hope your special day brings you all you want! Happy Birthday my little angel! | Надеюсь, что твой особенный день принесет тебе все, что ты хочешь. Счастливого дня рождения, мой маленький ангелочек. |
Вот сколько способов придумано, чтобы написать по-английски с днем рождения. И это далеко не все. Ведь можно еще и посвятить второй половинке в день рождения стихи на английском. И о такой форме мы тоже расскажем, но чуточку позже.
Пожелания на день рождения друга, брата, отца
Мужчине поздравления с днем рождения обычно пишут более лаконичные, но зато и с более интересным смысловым наполнением. Можно сказать, что здесь мысль не растекается по древу, а собрано и быстро наносит имениннику поздравительный дружеский удар! Например, вот какой перевод «с днем рождения» английский язык предлагает для поздравления друзей.
I hear today is your birthday. Another year older is another year wiser my friend. Я слышал, что сегодня у тебя день рождения. Что ж, на год старше – на год мудрее, мой друг. |
Интересная мысль, не правда ли? Но, конечно, можно поздравлять приятелей и в более развернутой форме. Вот еще один пример, как написать добрые пожелания на английском брату.
Wishing you health, love, wealth, happiness and just everything your heart desires. Happy birthday, brother! Желаю тебе здоровья, любви, достатка, счастья и всего того, что ты сам себе желаешь. С днем рождения, брат! |
Кстати, можно взять эту же фразу и для поздравления лучшего друга. По смыслу она вполне подходит, необходимо только немного исправить грамматику, заменив последнее предложение на Happy birthday, my friend (С днем рождения, мой друг).
И завершим примеры «суровых» мужских пожеланий поздравлением с юбилеем на английском, предназначенным для папы.
Happy Birthday Dad. Loving wishes for the most amazing Dad in the world! Stay fantastic and feel like a superhero! | С днем рождения, папочка! Наилучшие пожелания для самого замечательного папы в мире! Оставайся фантастичным и чувствуй себя как супергерой! |
Не правда ли, что такой текст забавен, но в то же время очень приятен?
Поздравляем подругу, сестру, мать
Согласитесь, поздравления с днем рождения женщине сильно отличаются от мужских. Дамы оценят теплые слова, большое количество эпитетов, лестные сравнения и многочисленные комплименты. Поэтому в красивом поздравлении на английском подруге, маме или сестренки не стоит скупиться на выражение чувств. Приведем несколько примеров.
«С днем рождения, мама» по-английски | |
Dear mom, today I want to say that you are my angel. Without you I don’t know what I’d do. | Дорогая мамочка! Сегодня я хочу сказать тебе, что ты мой ангел. Без тебя я не знаю, что и делать. Но с тобой я знаю, что нет ничего такого, чего я бы сделать была бы не в силах. Мамуля, нет ни одного человека, который смог бы занять твое место в моем сердце. Мне безумно повезло, что я нашла самую лучшую мамочку в мире! Счастливого дня рождения! |
Неправда ли очень мило и красиво? Пожалуй, ни одна мама не сможет сдержать слез радости от такого трогательного поздравления.
А вот такой поздравительный английский текст идеально подойдет к открытке с днем рождения для сестренки.
Sweetie sister, you’re a miracle and a charm! Let you have happiness and good fortune without problems and troubles. I wish you and all your dearest to have also good health! Happy birthday! Милая сестричка, ты просто чудо и прелесть! Пускай твоя жизнь будет полна счастья и благосклонной удачи, а проблемы и огорчения пусть всегда обходят тебя стороной. И, конечно, я желаю тебе и всем, кто тебе дорог, крепчайшего здоровья! С днем рождения! |
А если сестра для вас почти как лучшая подружка, то поздравление с днем рождения на английском языке можно составить и в таком забавном ключе.
Sis, your simple words can bring smile on my face, can keep me laughing always. Happy Birthday! Сестренка, твои слова способны вызвать улыбку на моем лице, ведь ты никогда не перестаешь веселить меня. Счастливого дня рождения! |
И кстати о подругах! Поздравить друзей предлагаем с помощью одного из нижеприведенных способов:
• With all my heart — Happy birthday! You are very beautiful, clever and talented. Keep being as you are! Hugs and kisses! — От всего моего сердца – С днем рождения! Ты невероятно красива, умна и талантлива. И оставайся такой же, какая ты есть. Обнимаю и целую!
• My dear Mary, I wish you a long and successful life. I wish you excellent health. Most importantly, I wish you happiness — without measure — every day! — Моя дорогая Мэри! Я желаю тебе долгой и успешной жизни. Еще желаю отменного здоровья. Но самое главное, что я желаю тебе счастья: безмерного счастья на каждый день жизни!
• Happy birthday beautiful! I hope you have a wonderful day filled with joy and happiness. — С днем рождения, красавица! Я надеюсь, что это твой прекрасный день, наполненный радостью и счастьем.
• Dear friend, Happy Birthday to you! I wish you a long and amazing life. I wish you great health and excellent results in all your dealings. Most importantly, I wish you happiness without measure every minute in your life. Be loved, be happy, enjoy every day! — Дорогая подруга, с днем рождения тебя! Я желаю тебе долгой и насыщенной жизни. Еще желаю тебе великолепного здоровья и отличных результатов во всех твоих начинаниях. Но самое главное: желаю безграничного счастья для каждой минуты твоей жизни. Будь любима, счастлива и радостна каждый день!
С такими эмоциональными поздравлениями в честь рождения на английском языке отличное настроение именинницам точно обеспеченно на весь день!
Английские стихи на день рождения
Поздравление любимому мужчине
Английский стих | I wish you be strong as the Lion King |
Произношение | [Ай виш ю би стронг эс зэ лайон кинг |
Перевод | Я желаю тебе силы Короля Льва, |
Романтичный стих на день рождения любимой женщине
Английский стих | If kisses were rain I’d send you showers, |
Произношение | [Иф кисэс вёр рэйн Айд сэнд ю шауэрс, |
Перевод | Если бы поцелуи были дождем, я бы пожелал тебе ливней, |
Стихотворение на день рождения друга
Английский стих | Amazing life will be your way, |
Произношение | [Эмэйзин лайф уил би ёр вэй, |
Перевод | Изумительным будет твой жизненный путь, |
Универсальное стихотворное поздравление
Английский стих | I’d like to be the very first |
Произношение | [Айд лайк ту би зэ вэри фёст |
Перевод | Я хотел бы стать первым без сомнения, |
Что ж, на этом пора уже завершать статью. Мы привели десятки примеров, и теперь вы знаете, как поздравить с днем рождения на английском близких людей и в прозе, и в стихах. Просто выбирайте подходящее поздравление и отправляйте имениннику: теплые эмоции и умиленный восторг адресата пожеланий не заставят себя долго ждать. Успехов и до новых встреч!
happy birthday to my princess
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Happy Birthday Princess
Your love made me believe that I can do anything I set my heart to. Thank you, my princess, and happy birthday. I would never be who I am today without your patient love and care.
Your warmth radiates like the sun on a summer day, and your love pours over me like the rain on a stormy day. Happy birthday, princess. May our love continue to blossom, today and forever.
I love your smile, your voice, the way you walk and everything else about you. No one can ever replace you, now that I have had the experience of having such a wonderful princess by my side. Happy birthday, my dear.
Happy birthday to the love of my life. Your love is all I need to get through the toughest days, and a hug from you would heal all my wounds. I love you, princess.
Happy birthday to the sweetest princess on the planet! You don’t know it, but you are the sweetest being anyone would ever have the honor to know of, and I love you so much more for that.
To the princess of my heart and my dream come true, happy birthday! Thank you for making me the happiest man on earth. I hope that I can make you feel the same way too!
Happy birthday, princess. I love you, and I don’t think I’ll ever stop loving you. Death won’t do us apart, for even then I will still be loving you. Here’s to the wonderful you, and to our everlasting love.
I did not believe in true love until you came into my life. Ever since then, my life has been all rainbows and colors. For that, I thank you, and I wish you the happiest birthday.
Happy birthday to the amazing princess who helped me to turn a new leaf. For you, I have changed for the better, and I think I’m still going through more amazing changes. I love you.
I love how we are always in sync, how we vibe so well and always have something to talk about. Happy birthday to the princess of my life. I wish us both continuous love and happiness.
If it wasn’t for you, I think I would still be miserable and sorry for myself all day. Thank you for helping me to realize my mistakes, and thank you for accepting me how I am. Happy birthday, princess.
It’s effortless to love you, and better still to be loved by you. Happy birthday, princess. May our love continue to flourish and blossom like a sunflower on a beautiful spring day.
Happy birthday, princess. I must be the luckiest person alive to have such a wonderful girl to call my girlfriend. Thank you for bringing so much joy into my life.
For what it’s worth, I promise to always love you. Through thick or thin, through good and bad. Happy birthday, my dearest princess.
Happy Birthday Princess Images
Happy birthday, my beloved princess. Your presence alone melts all my worries away, and a smile from you can brighten up my entire day. May your birthday be as beautiful and lovely as you are.
This year, I wish you growing beauty and grace, more friendships and blessings. Happy birthday my princess. I would love to always be there for you through good times and hard times. Cheers to us!
Happy birthday, my dear. You make my heart sing, and my brain clear of fog and gloom. I think there’s just something about you that makes you so special.
Like a sky that does not brighten without the sun, the happiness in my heart would never grow without you. Happy birthday, my princess. May we always shower each other with love and care.
My princess, my love and my sunshine in the darkest days, I wish you a happy birthday filled with love and happiness. May all your wishes come true, and may our love grow stronger with each passing day.
Happy Birthday My Princess
You may not know it, but you filled the empty feeling in my chest, and made me feel happier than I have ever been in my entire life. Happy birthday, my princess.
The prettiest and most wonderful woman deserves nothing less than the loveliest birthday wishes on her special day! Happy birthday, my princess, and may you achieve every single dream that you have.
Being with you made me believe that all the ‘happily ever afters’ in fairy tales are possible after all. Thank you for helping me to see the world in vibrant colors, my princess. Happy birthday.
Wishing you a birthday celebration as spectacular and amazing as you are to me. May our love for each other stay strong against everything that the world throws against us. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to the princess I’ve come to know and love for the past 5 years and counting. I owe my happiness and bliss to you, and I hope that I can return you this same feeling, if not more.
Happy Bday Princess
Happy birthday princess! Wishing you a lifetime full of every luxury that you have ever wanted, no matter big or small. Even more still, we wish you a life full of happiness and love!
You may be our little princess, but you were never proud, haughty or entitled. This is why you are so lovable, and why you’re well-liked by everyone around you! Happy birthday to you, our dearest princess.
A very happy birthday to the princess of my heart! No matter how busy I am, I will always find time to be with you, because there’s nothing more important to me than my dearest princess.
Happy birthday, princess. That may be my pet name for you, but you know better than anyone else that you are the queen of my heart. I’ll always love you.
Happy birthday to my sweet little princess. I promise you that I’ll always love you and care for you just like this for the years and decades to come.
Happy Birthday Princess Quotes
Happy birthday, princess! No matter how old you get in the future, you’ll always be the same youthful, beautiful and lovely princess that you are to me.
Sending hugs and kisses to my dearest princess’ birthday today! It’s your special day, and I will be surprising you with a wonderful birthday gift later on. Can’t wait to see your reaction!
You’re a beautiful princess with your own set of skills and knowledge. You know your worth and you refuse to be looked down upon. That’s what makes me so proud of you. Happy birthday, princess.
Wishing a happy birthday to the prettiest little princess that I know! No matter how old you get, you will always be a princess in my heart. May all your wishes come true!
Every princess deserves to have their own extravagant birthday party at least once in their lifetime. Happy birthday, princess. We hope that you will be loving the party that we’re throwing for you!
Текст песни
Happy birthday, princess This is your special day We’re having a party to say «Happy birthday, princess» Happy birthday, princess Today you’ll be our guest We want you to have the best Happy birthday, princess This day isn’t like yesterday Or tomorrow, or the day after that Today is the most perfect day For a tiara, not a day for a hat This day we’re here to celebrate With the prettiest princess of all This is your once-in-a-year-day date Everyone you love has come to call and tell you Happy birthday, princess This is your special day We’re having a party to say «Happy birthday, princess» Happy birthday, princess Today you’ll be our guest We want you to have the best Happy birthday, princess This day isn’t my day or his This is your day and we’re all here for you You make it the great day it is And we’re so glad that we’re sharing it, too How much fun can a princess have Can you laugh all afternoon Food and flowers and fancy tea We hope all our birthdays come real soon Happy birthday, princess! This is your day. Oh, you look fantastic. Happy birthday With birthday candles you can make a wish Then serve your cake on a birthday dish And happy birthday, princess This is your special day We’re having a party to say «Happy birthday, princess» Happy birthday Happy birthday, princess Today you’ll be our guest We want you to have the best Happy birthday, princess Happy birthday, princess This is your special day
Перевод песни
С Днем рождения, принцесса! Это твой особенный день, Мы устраиваем вечеринку, чтобы сказать ... "С Днем рождения, принцесса!» С Днем рождения, принцесса, Сегодня ты будешь нашим гостем. Мы хотим, чтобы у тебя было лучшее. С Днем рождения, принцесса, Этот день не такой, как вчера Или завтра, или послезавтра. Сегодня самый прекрасный день Для тиары, а не для шляпы. В этот день мы здесь, чтобы отпраздновать С самой красивой принцессой из всех, Это твое свидание раз в год. Все, кого ты любишь, пришли позвонить и сказать тебе. С Днем рождения, принцесса! Это твой особенный день, Мы устраиваем вечеринку, чтобы сказать ... "С Днем рождения, принцесса!» С Днем рождения, принцесса, Сегодня ты будешь нашим гостем. Мы хотим, чтобы у тебя было лучшее. С Днем рождения, принцесса, Этот день не мой день и не его. Это твой день, и мы все здесь для тебя. Ты делаешь это великим днем, И мы так рады, что мы делимся этим тоже. Сколько веселья может иметь принцесса? Ты можешь смеяться весь день? Еда, цветы и причудливый чай. Мы надеемся, что все наши дни рождения наступят очень скоро. С Днем рождения, принцесса! это твой день. О, ты выглядишь потрясающе. С Днем Рождения Со свечами на день рождения, вы можете загадать желание, А затем подать свой торт на блюдо дня рождения И с Днем рождения, принцесса. Это твой особенный день, Мы устраиваем вечеринку, чтобы сказать ... "С Днем рождения, принцесса!» С Днем рождения! С Днем рождения, принцесса, Сегодня ты будешь нашим гостем. Мы хотим, чтобы у тебя было лучшее. С Днем рождения, принцесса! С Днем рождения, принцесса! Это твой особенный день.
• Congratulations Princess. I am very happy because I have seen with great pride the great person you have become, and I know that you will achieve everything you set your mind to.
• You know my Princess, you can always count on me for everything you need, because my priority is that you are always very happy. Congratulations on your day. Happy Birthday, Princess!
Happy Birthday Messages for a Little Princess
• This day is very special because we celebrated the moment when you came into our lives to be the Princess of home and of our hearts. Happy Birthday, Princess!
• Happy day my daughter. Although you know it, I need to tell you that I love you and that I would do anything because happiness always knocks on your door and chase away any pain. Happy Birthday, Princess!
• On this wonderful day, my daughter, I wish on your birthday that the joys, gifts, and smiles of all those who love you will rain. Happy Birthday, Princess!
Happy Birthday to My Princess
• Your birthday is a very special date, not only to see the great person you are becoming, and it is that your happiness becomes mine. Happy Birthday, Princess!
• My heart rejoices to see that you are a person of great heart, and my greatest wish is that you always achieve your happiness, my Princess. Congratulations. Happy Birthday, Princess!
• I still remember the first day I held you in my arms, so small, you needed me for everything, and it is a pride to see that you are a wonderful person. Happy Birthday, Princess!
• I thank God for celebrating another birthday with you, to take your hand, and wish you all the happiness in the world, my daughter. Happy Birthday, Princess!
With these ideas, you will find everything to celebrate your beloved Princess’s birthday and prepare the celebration you want so that it becomes an unforgettable memory full of joy and happiness.
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What to Write in a Birthday Card: Birthdays are always a happy occasion - not just your own, but also when your family, friends,...
С днем рождения моя принцесса на английском
Modified: December 2, 2021, Published: February 10, 2019
One of the most awaited occasions of every girl’s life is her birthday and a girl who is celebrating her special day deserves to be treated like an actual princess.Therefore, if your little girl, your best friend, cousin, or any special girl in your life is celebrating her birthday today, you should make her feel like a princess.Aside from treating her like royalty, it would be great if you could also send her happy birthday princess wishes.So here are some special birthday wishes that you could send to make her feel like she’s an actual princess on this particular moment of her life.
Happy Birthday Princess List
Happy birthday to our precious little princess! You’re the only love and light that we need to survive the craziness on Earth. My only prayer is for you to grow up into the best lady that you can be. I love you so much, sweetie!
My dearest daughter, may your birthday be filled with love and happiness! You are our princess, and today, you deserve to be treated like royalty. Happy birthday, my dear! May all your dreams and wishes come true someday!
Hey there, just like a princess celebrating her special day, we’re going to have one big party tonight! So wear your prettiest dress and your most comfortable shoes because we’re going to hit the dance floor! Happy birthday!
I’ve been eagerly waiting for this day to come each year because it’s my little princess’ birthday! This means we’re going to have an awesome party! Have a wonderful birthday to you, my dear little princess!
How’s my beautiful princess doing? Are you ready to welcome the most awaited even of your life this year? So put on your pretty dress now because tonight, you’ll be treated like a real royalty! Happy birthday your highness!
Happy birthday princess! I’m inclined to believe that your parents are real superheroes because they have brought up such an amazing little princess like you! All the best on your birthday honey!
Whether you are awake or sleeping, your irresistible charm is just so hard to resist! Best birthday to you, my sweet little princess!
You’re a perfect reminder that the world that we live in is filled with so much beauty! Have a wonderful birthday to you, little princess!
As you welcome this new chapter of your life, I promise to include your health and happiness in my prayers! Happy birthday to you, dear princess!
To the most beautiful princess of my life, wishing you all the margaritas and the vodkas in the world! With you by my side, there’s definitely not a dull moment so thank you for being my happiness. Happy birthday!
To our beautiful princess who fills our lives with so much love and happiness, happy birthday! Don’t ever stop chasing your dreams no matter what! Continue to be awesome and have fun while you’re young!
Happy birthday princess! I’m certain that you’ve put on more than ten outfits for tonight’s party! If that’s what makes you happy, then we’re here to support you. That’s how princesses should be treated, right? Enjoy your party!
So what’s your plan for your birthday tonight princess? Would you prefer to have a tequila party or a night of Netflix marathon? Since it’s your birthday today, then your wish is my command! Enjoy your day, sweetie! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to my favorite princess in the world! Wear your beautiful princess dress now so we can start with our royal themed birthday party! Have a wonderful birthday to you, my sweetie!
Happy birthday my princess! There’s definitely not a dull moment when you’re around. Thank you for being our source of happiness and joy. I hope you will have a blast on your birthday!
To the most beautiful girl of our lives, our little princess who brings us love and light, happy birthday! Do not ever stop chasing your dreams honey no matter how big these can be!
Happy birthday to you, my little princess! Life is definitely much better when you were born on Earth! On your special day, I just want to wish you all the happiness that the world has to offer!
Our dearest princess, you are the sweetest little thing that has happened into our life! I cannot believe that it has been years since I gave birth on you! Please don’t grow up so fast my dear! Happy birthday to you!
I’m sending the sweetest and cutest birthday wishes to a very charming baby girl who is as special as a princess! Happy birthday to you my dear! Don’t be afraid to embrace the future ahead and cherish each and every happy moment of your life.
Happy birthday to you my little princess! May you have a fun-filled birthday filled with the sweetest smiles and the tastiest cakes! Enjoy your party, little one!
Little princes, you’re the reason why we have been working so hard! Your smile is enough to chase all our exhaustions away! Thank you for being our inspiration in life. Happy birthday our dear princess!
A beautiful princess like you holds so many wonders. You’re such a sweet daughter and we’re very lucky to be your parents! I look forward to seeing you achieve so many great things in life!
Happy birthday our dear little princess! May you enjoy your childhood years! So play as much as you can and sing as loud as you can. Don’t be afraid to jump until your legs hurt because that is what being a child is all about!
Happy birthday beautiful princess! Today is your special day so enjoy each and every moment of it! You truly deserve to be pampered today, so let us know what you want and your wish is our command!
Happy birthday my dear! Whatever it is that you dream of becoming, whether you want an engineer, lawyer, or doctor, there’s nothing that can ever stop you because you’re smart and gifted.
Our dear little princess, the day you came into our life, you’ve painted it with lots of colors! Thank you so much for being our happiness and for being the reason why we have surpassed all life’s challenges. Happy birthday dear!
Happy birthday to the most beautiful princess I know – my daughter! May you continue to walk into a path filled with blessings and happiness! Enjoy your birthday sweetheart!
My dearest princess, life is not an easy journey and if you find that the world is being cruel to you, remember that I’ll be right here to protect you. I know you’re bound to do great things so keep on dreaming my princess! Happy birthday!
Congratulations on your birthday my dearest princess! May you continue to enjoy the wonderful journey of life! I just want to wish you great love, abundant happiness, and lots of fortune! Happy birthday sweetie!
Princess, adding another year into your life is truly awesome. Enjoy this day because you truly deserve every single moment of it. Eat lots of scrumptious cupcakes and play with all the colorful balloons! Happy birthday!
My dearest princess, please don’t grow up very fast. Or else, you will lose your level of cuteness and we will miss kissing your rosy chubby cheeks. Have a wonderful birthday my baby!
My princess, for me, you’re like a cherub sent by the heavens. Your arrival on Earth has given us the strength and courage to face life’s most difficult challenges. Happy birthday to you, my darling princess!
Happy birthday to my dearest niece who is as beautiful as a princess! It’s funny how tine flies! You can’t even lie down on your tummy when I first saw you but now you’re able to explore each and every corner of the house by yourself!
The joy of having a beautiful princess in the family is truly immeasurable. Thank you my dear little princess for coming into our lives. You have brought so much joy to us! Happy birthday sweetheart!
Happy birthday to you my darling princess who is also my little honeybee! Since it’s your birthday today, you’re free to sting us with joy and delight!
My dearest little princess, I just want to wish you the most fulfilling experiences in your journey on Earth! May lots of blessings overflow in your hands and may you have the courage to pursue all your dreams in life. Happy birthday sweetheart!
To the most adorable princess I know, happy birthday! I just wanted to wish you lots of blessings and an abundant amount of happiness! Have a wonderful birthday, honey!
Happy birthday, princess! I’m sending you the warmest hugs and kisses on your special day because that is what you truly deserve! May you receive loads of presents and may you be showered with love from the people around you.
My baby princess, your arrival in this world is the greatest blessing we have in life. It marks the start of a new hope and boundless happiness that is sure to last for the many years to come. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to our amazing princess who is very adorable and cute! Thank you for giving us a reason to smile every single day despite of the many challenges that would come our way!
Happy birthday, princess! Please know that no matter how old you get, we’ll always be here to guide you in every step of the way. So don’t be afraid to dream big and continue with your amazing journey!
Sending the cuddliest and sweetest wishes to a precious little princess who has brought so much love, joy, and hope into our lives! Have a happy birthday to you, my sweetheart!
Happy birthday to you, our adorable little princess! May you receive the biggest blessings from God this year and may you continue to be a blessing to others as well!
I thank the Lord every day for sending a precious little angel like you into our lives. Since you were born, our lives have been filled with rainbows and sunshine. Happy birthday princess!
To our dear little princess who ruled the kingdom of our hearts, may you have a happy birthday! Always keep your feet grounded no matter what and continue to live a life filled with wonder and delight! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to you our dearest little princess! We have been truly blessed for a thousand folds ever since you came into our life. Thank you so much for gracing our lives with your adorable smile and irresistible cuteness.
Indeed, time flies really fast, sweetheart. It just seems like yesterday when you were born and now you’re already one year old! Happy birthday to you little princess, please don’t be in a hurry to grow!
Happy birthday to the most beautiful princess in our life! May you continue to live the life that’s filled with so much wonder and delight! Please don’t grow very fast sweetheart!
Best wishes to the most extraordinary princess I know! You’re truly a wonderful gift from God into our lives. May you enjoy the grand party we have prepared, which is truly perfect for an adorable princess like you! Happy birthday!
Enjoy your special day, our little princess! You truly deserve a lifetime of happiness and wonderful memories! Happy birthday to you!
Our first year with you has been nothing but special and sweet. We’re looking forward to seeing you bloom right in front of our eyes! Happy birthday to you, my sweetheart!
It’s your birthday, little princess! Enjoy everything that life has to offer! You truly deserve a big celebration that’s why we’re hosting a party fit for a beautiful princess like you. Enjoy your day, honey!
To our dearest princess, happy birthday to you! Today is truly special for every one of us because we’re celebrating the best gift we receive from God – your birth! Thank you for bringing so much joy into our lives! Happy birthday sweetie!
Today is truly special because it marks your first arrival on Earth, our dear princess. May your life be filled with lots of blessings and happiness!
Dearest baby girl, the first time you opened your eyes, you have already made us feel proud! All the little things you have achieved in the past two years are some of the most glorious moments of our lives. Happy birthday princess!
Happy birthday to you, our darling princess! No matter how old you’ll become, you’ll always be our precious baby girl. Enjoy your journey through life, sweetheart!
Happy birthday to our darling princess, our baby girl who never cease to amaze us with her cute antics! Don’t ever stop dreaming my love. We will always be here to support you in every step of the way. We love you so much!
We’re certainly the luckiest parents in the world because God has blessed us with a beautiful princess. Thank you so much my darling for coming into our life. You have brought us so much happiness and love! Happy birthday to you!
You’re such an adorable princess and you have brought so much color into our lives. On your birthday, I just want to wish you a day filled with happiness and joy as you spread your wings into the skies! Happy birthday sweetheart!
Sending the best birthday wishes to a sweet little princess who never fails to paint a smile on our face. May your birthday be as sweet as you and may you shine brightly for the whole year through! Happy birthday, I love you!
Happy birthday princess! May your guardian angel wrap you around her wings and provide you the protection that you truly deserve! Enjoy your birthday, little one!
If only I have the ability to grant you three wishes, then I definitely would, my princess! You’re such a joy to have and you truly deserve all the great things in life. I love you so much, my sweetheart, enjoy your birthday!
On your special day, I’m sending you tons of love and prayers. So enjoy your special day, my little princess! You truly deserve all the happiness!
Here’s hoping that your birthday is filled with lots of amazing presents that you really want. Above all, may it be filed with the gift of love and protection! Best birthday to you, my princess!
From the moment that you were born, I have a feeling that you can do great wonders in your life’s journey. Have a wonderful birthday to you, my little princess!
Happy birthday to you, my princess! Sure, carrying you in my tummy for several months is not the most pleasant experience in my life but I’m willing to go through it again just to have you on Earth. I love you so much sweetheart!
Giving birth to an adorable princess like you is one of the most amazing experiences in my life. Now that you’re celebrating your birthday, I just want to wish you the best of everything. Happy birthday, my princess!
Sending you the warmest hugs and kisses on this special day of yours, my princess. We love you so much and always remember that no matter what happens, we’ll be right here to love and protect you. Happy birthday!
My princess, I can’t believe you’re a lady now! It just seems like yesterday when I’m teaching you how to take your first steps! Always remember that no matter how old you get, you’ll always be my adorable little princess!
To the smartest and bravest princess I know, happy birthday! I certainly cannot imagine life without you. Thank you so much for being my inspiration in life and for giving me the courage to face life’s most difficult challenges.
Happy birthday to the coolest princess in the world! Sure, we may not be together now but please know that you’re always in my heart. I love you so much my sweetheart!
I cannot believe you’re a grown woman now, our little princess! But no matter how old you become, you’ll always be the most adorable little baby in the family. Enjoy your birthday!
Happy birthday to the most courageous princes I know! If I can be half as strong as courageous as you, then I will definitely be very proud of myself! Enjoy your birthday and may you continue to inspire me!
Hey princess! Happy birthday! Thank you for teaching me not to give up on life, no matter what! On your special day, I just wanted to wish you a lifetime of blessings, love, and happiness! I love you so much!
Best birthday to the most beautiful princess I know! I cannot wait to go home and spend some quality time with you! Enjoy your special day, sweetheart! I love you!
Happy 4th birthday to you, our darling little princess! Thank you so much for all the joy that you have brought into our lives!
Happy birthday our darling little princess! That cute smile on your face is definitely priceless. I don’t know how you do it but you make my day brighter just by showing me your beautiful smile.
My dearest little princess, you certainly have the cutest face and we just can’t wait to see you grow into a beautiful lady someday. Happy birthday sweetie!
I’m certainly blessed because I was given a daughter who is as beautiful and graceful as a real princess. Happy birthday to you my dearest daughter, may be able to achieve all your dreams!
To my beautiful sister whom I believe is a prettier than a real princess, happy birthday! I just wanted to wish you the best years of your life and I pray for many more amazing adventures spent with you. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday beautiful princess! You’re the only girl I know who is not too annoying and someone who I can easily get along with. Well, that’s probably because we are both princesses in our past lives!
Happy birthday beautiful princess! Thank you for making us believe in magic once again. You have certainly made the world a much better place.
Happy birthday to our dear little princess! I don’t think I could ever let you off the hook, especially with that cute smile and adorable face! Enjoy your birthday, dearest princess!
My dearest princess, it seems to me that you have grown up to be a beautiful lady who is eager to embark on some exciting adventures. Enjoy your journey my dear, because life is too short! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday my dear little princess! I certainly love those days where I get to spend some precious time with you. May you enjoy this day because you are truly special to me!
My little princess, I know you only wished for a doll this day but I promise to give you more than that because you certainly deserve all the best in life! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday dear princess! Please know that we love you so much and on your special day, we just wanted to shower you with all the things you have ever wished to have!
Happy birthday my princess! You’re not getting any younger anymore, so please lessen your sugar intake. In this case, I’ll have to eat all your cake. I’m sorry, my dear, but please know that I really love you!
Happy birthday dearest princess! May you have lots of wonderful moments ahead of you! You’re such a wonderful person and I truly believe that God will reward you for all your good deeds!
Happy birthday my princess! You’re certainly the best thing that has ever happened to my life and I cannot thank God enough for sending you to me. Enjoy your birthday sweetie!
Happiest birthday to the most beautiful princess in the world! In the many years that I get to spend with you, I’m certain that I have truly found the most perfect friend in the world!
My dear princess, your smile is enough to give me the energy that I need to face the day. Your embrace is all I need to face all the challenges of life. Thank you sweetheart, happy birthday!
To the most beautiful princess of my life, I love you so much. On your special day today, allow me to treat you like a princess. So tell me what you want, because your wish is my command! Happy birthday sweetie!
Happy birthday honey! I thank God each and every second of my life because I have you beside me. You’re certainly the best thing that God gave me. Enjoy your birthday, my beautiful princess!
To the princess who reigns the kingdom of my heart, happy birthday! Thank you so much for your unconditional love and for always putting me first in everything! I love you so much, sweetheart!
To my little princess, happy birthday! My blessings were never ending ever since you came into my life. You are truly the best gift of my life!
You’re growing up very fast my sweetheart and I cannot wait to see you grow into a beautiful lady someday. Thank you so much for the joy you have brought into my life. Happy birthday my princess!
Happy birthday to you, our dear little princess! I won’t get tired doing something for you each time you celebrate your birthday. I hope you are happy not only today but also in every single day!
Happy birthday to you my dear little princess! I hope you will enjoy this little party we have organized for you. You truly deserve all the best!
My darling princess, it’s strange how much I have fallen in love with you given the short amount of time that we’ve been together. I could not be luckier than this! I love you so much, my darling! Happy birthday!
I could gather all the stars in the sky and wrap them up for you. That’s the gift that you truly deserve because you’re such a very special princess! Happy birthday!
You are certainly the most beautiful princess I know! Please know that I love you so much every single day of my life and I can never imagine living my life without you. Happy birthday to you, the princess of my life!
My life has become more meaningful and colorful ever since you came. Thank you so much my dear princess for giving me lots of reasons to be happy every day. Happy birthday!
My dearest princess, I believe that there’s nothing in this world that can ever break us apart. It’s the universe that has brought us together and nothing can ever destroy that my sweetheart! Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to the beautiful princess who reigns in my life! Please know that I will always be here for you no matter what! Regardless of the path that you plan to take, I’ll always be here to love and support you.
I love you so much my darling little princess and I am truly blessed to have you in my life. Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday my princess! Over the years that we have been together, you’ve always been very supportive of me. Thank you so much for everything that you’ve done, my dear!
I love you so much my princess and it is my goal to be with you until the last moments of our lives! Happy birthday to you my sweetheart!
Happy birthday to the princess who reigns in my heart! Thank you for all the sacrifices that you have done just to make our relationship work. I’m sorry if I have failed you many times, I promise to make it up to you this time!
Happy birthday to my little princess! Are you ready to celebrate the most awaited even of your life? So put on your prettiest dress now so we can jumpstart your party and dance to your favorite tunes!
Here’s wishing you all the best my dear little princess! May you have all the margaritas and vodkas in the world now that it’s your special day! There’s definitely not a dull moment when I’m with you. Happy birthday!
I’m sure you’ve tried so many outfits for tonight’s celebration, right? Happy birthday to you little princess! May you have lots of fun tonight! You truly deserve all the best so enjoy this day little one!
So what’s the plan for tonight my love? Since it’s your special day, we can do whatever it is that you want. You’re my princess and I’m going to make sure you will be treated very special on this birthday of yours! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to the cutest princess I know! I can’t believe you’re a big girl now! Don’t grow up too fast my sweetheart! Enjoy the journey of your childhood years and make sure you cherish each and every single moment of it.
Happy birthday to the little princess in the family! You’re certainly a blessing from God and we are so grateful that you have grown into a beautiful young woman! Enjoy your birthday sweetie pie!
To the most beautiful princess I know, happiest birthday to you! I just wanted to wish you the best years of your life and I wish that you’d have many more exciting adventures along the way! Enjoy your journey!
Happiest birthday to the beautiful princess whom I love the most! In the many years that we’ve been together, I can truly say that you’re the best girl friend I ever wish to have! Enjoy your special day my sweetheart!
Happy birthday to the princess of our lives! You have given us something that no one else could – an undying love! Thank you my dear daughter for your love, devotion, and loyalty.
This day is very special for everyone in the family because this is the day when we first welcome our darling little princess! Happy birthday, sweetie! Please know that we truly love you!
The day we first had a glimpse on you was one of the best days of our life! You are truly a gift from God our dear princess! Thank you for the great happiness you have given us. Happy birthday!
Hey, birthday girl! Are you ready to have the most magical moment of your life? Since you’re very special, we decided to throw a party that’s fit to a princess like you! We love you so much, honey! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to you our darling little princess! Thank you for bringing out the best in us! Please know that no matter how old you become, you can always count on us for guidance and support!
Happy birthday princess! Thank you for giving us reasons to smile everyday. You’ve certainly made us very happy and I hope we can return back the favor to you!
Our darling little princess, we’re truly grateful that you came along! You’ve truly made our world a million times better! Thank you so much for coming into our life, my love!
You’re cute, pretty, charming, and bubbly! Happy birthday our dear little princess! Thank you so much for bringing so much joy into our life!
Giving birth to a wonderful little princess like you is one of the most favorite moments of my life! Thank you so much for the experience, sweetheart! I promise to take care of you until my last breath!
Happy birthday to you my dear little princess! Please know that I love you so much and I can never imagine my life without you beside me. Enjoy your birthday sweetie!
Happy birthday to the adorable princess who stole my heart and has kept it all these years. Thank you so much for always making us happy, my love! I hope you’ll have a blast today!
Happiest birthday to you, beautiful princess! Keep calm and sparkle! Enjoy your party sweetheart!
Happy birthday princess! Enjoy your blessings and the many more great things that are about to come into your life! We love you so much sweetheart!
Happy birthday little princess! May God shower you with only the most wonderful things in life because that is what you truly deserve!
Happy birthday to the most beautiful princess of our life! You truly deserve the best! May you receive only the greatest blessings from God!
Happy birthday princess! Sending you lots of love and warm wishes on your special day today!
Happy birthday my dear princess, I hope you will receive the same attention that you have been hoping ever since! We love you so much, my dear!
To my dearest friend who has a magical personality like a princess, happy birthday! I’m truly lucky to have you in my life! You’re truly the best friend anyone can wish to have!
Our dear little princess, thank you for turning our tears into smiles and our worries into pure happiness! You are certainly the best thing that has ever happened in our lives! Happy birthday sweetheart!
Happy birthday to my beautiful little princess, whatever you wish today, we will try to give it to you. After all, it’s your birthday! So enjoy this day, sweetie!
Happy birthday little princess! I just want to wish you joy and peace. May you get all the things you have been praying for soon!
To my dearest princess, on your first birthday, my heart is filled with lots of sweet memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life. You have certainly touched my heart and changed my world for the better!
To my little princess, I may not get to say this enough, but you are everything to me! I love you so much and I could not imagine living my life without you. Happy birthday sweetie!
To the most beautiful princess of my life, thank you for loving me, and for making me happy. There’s no other person that can ever replace your place in my heart. I love you so much! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to you, our precious little princess! May God grant all of the desires of your heart! I cannot wait to see you fulfill all your dreams and achieve so many great things!
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Happy Birthday, Princess!
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